Sunday, March 25, 2007


Hello again

Daily news always turns into weekly news, but now it's turned into monthly news. My apologies. So what's the news? Well, it's now past mid-terms at school, so I know where I stand in all of my classes, and where I need work (English Composition II).

Work is still the same--it won't ever change. Ever. The only thrill there is when we get new people and the thrill only lasts if those new people are interesting. Turns out we've gotten some pretty enjoyable people since the beginning of the year. But Sonic has never been and will never BE my favorite subject, so we move on.

My favorite news is always what's going on in the church. I'm steadily continuing to grow steadier in music--the method and theory is coming with ease, and I've been more excited than ever to be able to play weekly with the band. We actually got a chance to play in Sunday service the day after we came home from Acquire the Fire. It was amazing. Since that Sunday, I think the whole band's vision is changing--the worship really seems more present.

The youth (which includes me, of course) are visibly growing closer to each other. More and more people break their barriers every week, and the Spirit is helping to all listen to each other and support each other. There's still a few out there who haven't budged, but it'll be their turn next. This is such an amazing thing they're missing, I'm sure it'll catch on.

We've had a couple of speakers in the last month, some of them were from TBI. Man, that week was awesome. It just seems like every time we're able to get down to the nitty gritty with something and there's always something to learn--some strength or encouragement to carry away.

It seems like all along in my Walk I've been waiting for fellowship like this. Now I've finally found it. The funny thing is that it's so hard to explain to outsiders what exactly I get out of all of it. I find myself trying to explain to people why kids teaching kids has been so effective and so unifying. Everyone seems so afraid, but I can only feel ecstasy.

So I find myself getting through the days just to go back for more. I never before pictured myself in church five days a week. It's like island hopping between Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Sundays.