Well, last week Isaac came down with a cold and he "called in" about being sick for two days at Sonic. I guess I made fun of him a little too much, though. Seems like the guy is always sick and he can't handle anything when he is... so he sat around for a couple days and every time I'd see him he'd be complaining about being sick or he'd sniffling and hacking...
Seems like he was acting accordingly. Today marks the first day I've ever called in to work over a head-cold. You know how sometimes there'll be those viruses going around and sometimes everyone's case'll be worse than normal cause it's a more powerful virus? Well this is a "more powerful" cold, friends. I don't know what's up, but it's been pretty bad already today. When I woke up this morning, it felt like I'd being banging on my head with a hammer for a couple hours the night before. I'm sore all over the place, too.
Wow, I probably sound SUPER whiny right now... I'm just trying to be descriptive, really. I could be at work right now, but I don't feel right putting everyone else in danger just because I want to get some hours, you know.
Anyways, yesterday was a lot of fun. I spent all morning at Laughlin learning Microsoft Access, which is a pretty cool program since it's surprisingly easy (I mean, it's MICROSOFT, what's going on?). And I'm kinda excited cause now I can probably use it to create databases for my websites and everything... but I got off work at noon and came home. Lunch was these amazing hamburgers my dad made with onions cooked into them... oh man.
I wanted to go out and take pictures cause it was sunny and I knew of this cool place that I thought would look great in the sun, so I called Chris Malloy and he headed out to my place. Course my parents made me mow the front lawn first :( but it wasn't hella hot so it was all good.
So when Chris got here, we headed out to Sycamore Creek, which is a creek on Hwy 90 about 5 miles past Laughlin... click the link, it's a map. Anyways, there were all these fences everywhere and neither of us felt like getting in trouble because it was a road construction zone at the time... so somebody would probably see us out there, even though it IS in the middle of nowhere... and it's BEAUTIFUL.
So we turned around and I told Chris that I knew of another cool place that I've been to and wanted to take pictures of, so I took him out to this gi-normous hill out by the San Felipe cemetery and we started climbing up. The cool thing about the hills out there is all the erosion leaves behind TONS of interesting fossils, rocks, and petrified wood. It's a short hike up, but we spent like ten, fifteen, twenty minutes hiking up there cause we were looking for cool stuff. Wonder if there's any arrowheads... Any was there were some storm rolling in from the north, and I was kinda worried about lightning, but Chris was awfully EXCITED about lightning, so we spent a while up there.
We went home around 6 and Joey joined up with us, bringing some pizza over and we looked at our photos... about eighty of my hundred photos were OVEREXPOSED BEYOND BELIEF... yeah they're so ruined I can't do hardly anything with them. See, I haven't done a lot of shooting with my 300mm lens yet, so I'm not used the aperture settings... it's different than my other lenses. But I was so disappointed in my ruined pictures.
Anyways, we decided to go back up to the hill just before sunset so we could get more pictures, and the sun started to go down RIGHT as we drove up, so we were booking it up that hill as fast as we could and when we reached the top, Chris and I both had these asthma attacks and I think he almost died :D... I was pretty messed up, too. Nevertheless, I ended up getting some cool sunset pictures up there.
So yesterday was a really cool day... but today kinda sucks. But it'll be over in eight hours.